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Version: 19

Sessions et utilisateurs

REST requests can benefit from web user sessions, providing extra features such as multiple requests handling, data sharing between the web client processes, and user privileges.

La première étape à suivre pour ouvrir une session REST sur le serveur 4D, consiste à authentifier l'utilisateur qui envoie la requête.

Authentification des utilisateurs

You log in a user to your application by calling $directory/login in a POST request including the user's name and password in the header. This request calls the On REST Authentication database method (if it exists), where you can check the user's credentials (see example below).

Ouverture des sessions

Lorsque les sessions évolutives sont activées (recommandé), si la méthode base On REST Authentication retourne true, une session utilisateur est alors automatiquement ouverte et vous pouvez la gérer via l'objet Session et l'API Session. Subsequent REST requests will reuse the same session cookie.

If the On REST Authentication database method has not been defined, a guest session is opened.

Mode préemptif

On 4D Server, REST requests are automatically handled through preemptive processes, even in interpreted mode. You need to make sure that your code is compliant with a preemptive execution.

Avec 4D monoposte, le code interprété s'exécute toujours en mode coopératif.


In this example, the user enters their email and password in an html page that requests $directory/login in a POST (it is recommended to use an HTTPS connection to send the html page). The On REST Authentication database method is called to validate the credentials and to set the session.

The HTML login page:


<html><body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<div id="demo">
<FORM name="myForm">
Email: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=userId VALUE=""><br/>
Password: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=password VALUE=""><br/>
<button type="button" onclick="onClick()">
<div id="authenticationFailed" style="visibility:hidden;">Authentication failed</div>

function sendData(data) {
var XHR = new XMLHttpRequest();

XHR.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.status == 200) {
window.location = "authenticationOK.shtml";
else {
document.getElementById("authenticationFailed").style.visibility = "visible";
};'POST', '$directory/login'); //rest server address

XHR.setRequestHeader('username-4D', data.userId);
XHR.setRequestHeader('password-4D', data.password);
XHR.setRequestHeader('session-4D-length', data.timeout);

function onClick()
sendData({userId:document.forms['myForm'].elements['userId'].value , password:document.forms['myForm'].elements['password'].value , timeout:120})

When the login page is sent to the server, the On REST Authentication database method is called:

 //On REST Authentication

#DECLARE($userId : Text; $password : Text) -> $Accepted : Boolean
var $sales : cs.SalesPersonsEntity


//A '/rest' URL has been called with headers username-4D and password-4D
If ($userId#"")
$sales:=ds.SalesPersons.query("email = :1"; $userId).first()
If ($sales#Null)
If (Verify password hash($password; $sales.password))
End if
End if
End if

As soon as it has been called and returned True, the On REST Authentication database method is no longer called in the session.

The fillSession project method initializes the user session, for example:

#DECLARE($sales : cs.SalesPersonsEntity)
var $info : Object

$info:=New object()
$info.userName:=$sales.firstname+" "+$sales.lastname


Use (
If ($sales.customers.orderBy("totalPurchase desc").slice(0; 3)
End if
End use