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Version: 20 R5 BETA


Le catalogue décrit toutes les dataclass et les attributs disponibles dans le datastore.


$catalog/$catalogRetourne une liste des dataclasse de votre projet avec deux URI
$catalog/$all/$catalog/$allRetourne des informations sur toutes les dataclasse de votre projet et leurs attributs
$catalog/{dataClass}/$catalog/EmployeeRenvoie des informations sur une dataclass et ses attributs
$catalog/DataStoreClassFunction/$catalog/authentifyExecutes the datastore class function if it exists


Retourne une liste de dataclass dans votre projet avec deux URI : une pour accéder aux informations sur sa structure et une pour récupérer les données de la dataclass


When you call $catalog, a list of the dataclasses is returned along with two URIs for each dataclass in your project's datastore.

Seules les dataclass exposées apparaissent dans cette liste pour le datastore de votre projet. For more information, please refer to Exposing tables and fields section.

Voici une description des propriétés retournées pour chaque dataclass dans le datastore de votre projet :

nameStringNom de la dataclass.
uriStringUn URI vous permettant d'obtenir des informations sur la dataclass et ses attributs.
dataURIStringURI vous permettant d'afficher les données dans la dataclass.


GET /rest/$catalog


dataClasses: [
name: "Company",
uri: "$catalog/Company",
dataURI: ""
name: "Employee",
uri: "$catalog/Employee",
dataURI: ""


Retourne des informations sur toutes les dataclasse de votre projet et leurs attributs


Calling $catalog/$all allows you to receive detailed information about the attributes in each of the dataclasses in your project's active model.

For more information about what is returned for each dataclass and its attributes, use $catalog/{dataClass}.


GET /rest/$catalog/$all



"dataClasses": [
"name": "Company",
"className": "Company",
"collectionName": "CompanySelection",
"tableNumber": 2,
"scope": "public",
"dataURI": "/rest/Company",
"attributes": [
"name": "ID",
"kind": "storage",
"fieldPos": 1,
"scope": "public",
"indexed": true,
"type": "long",
"identifying": true
"name": "name",
"kind": "storage",
"fieldPos": 2,
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"name": "revenues",
"kind": "storage",
"fieldPos": 3,
"scope": "public",
"type": "number"
"name": "staff",
"kind": "relatedEntities",
"fieldPos": 4,
"scope": "public",
"type": "EmployeeSelection",
"reversePath": true,
"path": "employer"
"name": "url",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"key": [
"name": "ID"
"name": "Employee",
"className": "Employee",
"collectionName": "EmployeeSelection",
"tableNumber": 1,
"scope": "public",
"dataURI": "/rest/Employee",
"attributes": [
"name": "ID",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"indexed": true,
"type": "long",
"identifying": true
"name": "firstname",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"name": "lastname",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"name": "employer",
"kind": "relatedEntity",
"scope": "public",
"type": "Company",
"path": "Company"
"key": [
"name": "ID"


Renvoie des informations sur une dataclass et ses attributs


Calling $catalog/{dataClass} for a specific dataclass will return the following information about the dataclass and the attributes it contains. If you want to retrieve this information for all the dataclasses in your project's datastore, use $catalog/$all.

Les informations que vous récupérez concernent :

  • Dataclass
  • Attribut(s)
  • Méthode(s) le cas échéant
  • Clé primaire


Les propriétés suivantes sont retournées pour une dataclass exposée :

nameStringNom de la dataclass
collectionNameStringNom d'une entity selection dans la dataclass
tableNumberNumberNuméro de la table dans la base 4D
scopeStringScope for the dataclass (note that only dataclasses whose Scope is public are displayed)
dataURIStringUn URI aux données de la dataclass


Voici les propriétés de chaque attribut exposé qui sont retournées :

nameStringLe nom de l’attribut.
kindStringType d'attribut (stockage ou relatedEntity).
fieldPosNumberPosition du champ dans la table de la base.
scopeStringPortée de l'attribut (seuls les attributs dont la portée est publique apparaîtront).
indexedStringIf any Index Kind was selected, this property will return true. Sinon, cette propriété n'apparaîtra pas.
typeStringAttribute type (bool, blob, byte, date, duration, image, long, long64, number, string, uuid, or word) or the dataclass for a N->1 relation attribute.
identifyingBooleanCette propriété retourne True si l'attribut est la clé primaire. Sinon, cette propriété n'apparaîtra pas.
pathStringName of the dataclass for a relatedEntity attribute, or name of the relation for a relatedEntities attribute.
foreignKeyStringPour un attribut relatedEntity, nom de l'attribut associé.
inverseNameStringNom de la relation opposée pour un attribut relatedEntity ou relatedEntities.

Clé primaire

The key object returns the name of the attribute defined as the Primary Key for the dataclass.


Vous pouvez récupérer les informations concernant une dataclass spécifique.

GET /rest/$catalog/Employee


name: "Employee",
className: "Employee",
collectionName: "EmployeeCollection",
scope: "public",
dataURI: "",
defaultTopSize: 20,
extraProperties: {
panelColor: "#76923C",
__CDATA: "\n\n\t\t\n",
panel: {
isOpen: "true",
pathVisible: "true",
__CDATA: "\n\n\t\t\t\n",
position: {
X: "394",
Y: "42"
attributes: [
name: "ID",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
indexed: true,
type: "long",
identifying: true
name: "firstName",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "string"
name: "lastName",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "string"
name: "fullName",
kind: "calculated",
scope: "public",
type: "string",
readOnly: true
name: "salary",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "number",
defaultFormat: {
format: "$###,###.00"
name: "photo",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "image"
name: "employer",
kind: "relatedEntity",
scope: "public",
type: "Company",
path: "Company"
name: "employerName",
kind: "alias",
scope: "public",

type: "string",
path: "",
readOnly: true
name: "description",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "string",
multiLine: true
key: [
name: "ID"