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Versão: 18

Área 4D Write Pro

4D Write Pro offers 4D users an advanced word-processing tool, fully integrated with your 4D database. Using 4D Write Pro, you can write pre-formatted emails and/or letters containing images, a scanned signature, formatted text and placeholders for dynamic variables. You can also create invoices or reports dynamically, including formatted text and images.

Usando as áreas 4D Write Pro

As áreas 4D Write Pro estão documentadas no manual 4D Write Pro.

Propriedades compatíveis

Auto Spellcheck - Border Line Style - Bottom - Class - Context Menu - Enterable - Focusable - Height - Hide focus rectangle - Horizontal Scroll Bar - Horizontal Sizing - Keyboard Layout - Left - Method - Object Name - Print Variable Frame - Resolution - Right - Selection always visible - Show background - Show footers - Show Formula Bar - Show headers - Show hidden characters - Show horizontal ruler - Show HTML WYSIWYG - Show page frame - Show references - Show vertical ruler - Type - User Interface - Vertical Sizing - Vertical Scroll Bar - View mode - Visibility - Width - Zoom